YOGA is for the Mind. Once the Mind becomes balanced, the incidental benefit is that our body becomes Healthy, Good looking & Free from Diseases. Maharshi Patanjali says:- "yogaś-chitta-vr̥itti-nirodhaḥ" = When you are in a state of yoga, all misconceptions (vrittis) that can exist in the mutable aspect of human beings (chitta) disappear.

Surya Namaskar with Yoga Acharya Manish


Please join for our Surya Namaskar (morning classes) on Monday mornings. 6:20 to 7:00 am. Call on - 8860 4947 06 for appointment & Zoom Link.

Join our Breathe Your Way To Success program on the 1st weekend of every month. Call or WA on 8860494706 for registration To register for "Fit Parents Project 2023," click on the following link -

Practice of Surya Namaskar & a relaxation session for "at least" 30-minutes
daily goes a long way to keep our Mind CALM & our Immune System Strong.
Call - 8860 4947 06

Let's make Health n Fitness our First Priority in the Year 2023

with #YogaAcharyaManish

PreventionNcure YOGA beginner classes come highly recommended for those starting out. Eventually it will bring balance, harmony, contentment, equanimity & peace for the practitioner.


Together we will enhance our Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Well being.
Master Your BREATH to Master Your Life

Get in touch with us..